- Arrays: working with arrays of data
- Comparing: comparing data
- Bipolar: working with values on -1…1 scale
- Chains: data processing flows with generators
- Frequency: count the occurrence of values
- Maps: working with maps
- Numbers: working with numbers
- Pool: tracking a limited pool of resources
- Process: construct simple flows of functions processing data
- Resolve: resolve functions, iterators etc into concrete values
- Rx: work with streams of data
- Interpolation: blending values, or arriving at a target over time
// Whole moduleimport * as Data from "ixfx/data.js"
// Single functionimport { resolve } from "ixfx/data.js"
// One of several modulesimport { Data, Modulation, Flow } from "ixfx/bundle.js"
// And within your HTML's <HEAD> </HEAD> block:// <script type="importmap">{ "imports": { "ixfx/": "/ixfx/" } } </script>
// Whole moduleimport * as Data from "ixfx/dist/data.js"
// Single functionimport { resolve } from "ixfx/dist/data.js"
// One of several modulesimport { Data, Modulation, Flow } from "ixfx/dist/bundle.js"
// Whole moduleimport * as Data from "";
// Single functionimport { resolve } from "";
// One of several modulesimport { Data, Modulation, Flow } from ""