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Rather than keeping track of values, maybe you want to keep track of the number of times an event occurs, without caring much about the data itself.

In ixfx, we can use Trackers.frequency . Note that the object is mutable.

Adding and clearing

import { Trackers } from ""
// Create an instance
const freq = Trackers.frequency();
// Add data, here several at once
freq.add(`apples`, `oranges`, `apples`, `pears`, `pears`);
// Get frequencies as an array
const t = freq.toArray(); // [ ["apples", 2], ["oranges",1],["pears",2] ]

Clear all data



Get the count of a specific group. Returns undefined if group is not found.

const f = freq.frequencyOf(`apples`); // 2

It can be useful to work with the relative frequency rather than the absolute amount. For example, apples appears 40% of the time:

const rel = freq.relativeFrequencyOf(`apples`); // 0.4

To find the smallest, largest, average frequencies as well as the total frequency (ie. how many things have been added):

// Returns {min, max, avg, total}
const mma = freq.minMaxAvg();
console.log(`Average frequency is ${mma.avg}`);


You can get the data as an array and iterate:

const data = freq.entries(); // freq.toArray() gives same result
for (const [group, count] of data) {
console.log(`${group} has a count of ${count}`); // apples has a count of 2...

Custom objects

To keep track of objects, provide a function that creates a string for the items you’re adding. This allows you to group by different fields, or some combination of fields.

In the below example, cars are grouped by their make:

import { frequency } from ""
// Two cars
const cars = [
make: `Toyota`,
model: `Corolla`,
year: 1980
make: `Honda`,
model: `Civic`,
year: 1985
// Count cars by make
const freq = frequency(car => car.make);
// Add array of cars
// Count a group
freq.frequencyOf(`Toyota`); // 1
// Or by object, which uses the same stringify function
freq.frequencyOf(cars[1]); // 1


The below demo calculates frequency distribution of letters in a string.