Module Visual.Colour
In overview:
- Colour.interpolator - returns a function to interpolate between colours.
- Colour.getCssVariable - get a value of a CSS variable or use a fallback value
- Colour.opacity - return a variation of a colour with set opacity
When working with colour you may need to use Colour.resolve to parse colour. It will parse human-friendly colours (“purple”), hex (“#ffffff”), CSS variables (“—fg”), CSS functions (“hsl(20deg, 50%, 50%))” and structured data: {h:0.5, s:0.1, l:0.5}
. The return value for resolve
can be passed to Colour.toString for setting to CSS styles, canvas drawing etc.
You can do this in one step via Colour.resolveToString .
If you want a structured object, albeit in simple form, Colour.toHsl and Colour.toRgb will convert to objects like { h, s, l, opacity }
and { r, g, b, opacity }