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Rx.debounce ensures some minimum waiting period between emitted values. It allows you to only emit a value after there is a mandated pause from the upstream sender.

For example, if the debounce time is 100ms, it’s only when there’s a 100ms gap between values from the source that a value will be emitted. If the source keeps sending messages faster than that, debounce won’t let any messages be emitted. It’s useful for working with the latest value from a what you expect to be a burst of values, and not worry with the ones that came before.

Rx.throttle limits the rate of values, ensuring that there is only one emitted value per throttle time. For example, if the throttle time is 100ms, only one value will be emitted every 100ms. Values are not queued, it’s always the latest value which is sent.

With throttle, an initial value is sent immediately, while with debounce, there is always a waiting period before a value is sent.

Rx.elapsed emits the time in milliseconds since the previous value.