The Forces.pendulumForce works with angular velocity and angle of a thing.
To use, we have to define a point by which the thing is pinned, and its distance.
const thing = { position: { x: 0.5, y: 1 }}const pinnedAt = { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 };const pendulumForce = Forces.pendulumForce(pinnedAt, { length: 0.4 });
The other options for the pendulum force are: damping, an amount to reduce velocity by, and speed, which is the maximum swing speed.
const pendulumForce = Forces.pendulumForce(pinnedAt, { length: 0.4, damping: 0.5, // default 0.995, ie 0.5% loss speed: 0.1 // default 0.001});
If length is not defined, the force will use the current distance between the target and thing.