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When a function may succeed after some attempts, you might need a retry logic - keep trying the function until it succeeds, or after a certain number of attempts. You want some kind of waiting period between each attempt, eg to wait for a network connection.

This can be achieved using Flow.retryFunction .

In the example, we will try up to five times to run the async function doSomething, starting with 1 second delay if it fails. This time gets longer and longer with each attempt.

import { retry } from ""
const doSomething = () => {
// If this function throws an error or returns undefined,
// it's assumed to have failed
// for it to succeed it has to return a value
const result = await retryFunction(doSomething, { limitAttempts: 5, startAt: 1000 });
if (result.success) {
// Yay result.value will contain the result of `doSomething`
} else {
// result.message tells why it failed

See also:

  • Flow.waitFor - call a function and be notified if it doesn’t finish within a certain time


Options :

  • taskValueFallback: option can provide a value if the task ultimately fails
  • abort: an abort signal to cancel waiting
  • predelayMs: time to wait before first attempt
  • limitAttempts: total number of times to retry
  • limitValue: limit for how many milliseconds to wait
  • startAt: starting milliseconds