Data can be noisy or jittery: instead of a convenient smooth line of a sensor going up and down, there might be all kinds of spikes, or perhaps the value is never static, always wavering up and down.
While we typically want to respond with nuance to input (be it from a human action, sensor, machine learning inference etc), we don’t necessarily want to work with single data points in isolation. Because if we express a currently very low reading, it might be an erroneous spike in the data, not reflecting the average of the data, or the qualitative aspect we are working with.
Examples sources with noise and jitter:
- Pointer move events on a touch screen: x and y will move slightly, even though we might feel like we’re not moving a finger
- Audio level input: a very jittery input
- Ultrasound sensor: signals might hit different angles of the same object, giving each pulse a different value
- Pose detection via machine learning: a very jittery collection of points which shift around and snap in and out of existence
Even the humble physical button can exhibit jitter, where a single physical press is actually registered as several presses. In code, this is solved with debounce. Noise from physical sensors - particularly analog sensors - can also sometimes be reduced in the hardware domain.
Averaging an array
If you have all the values you want to average in advance, it’s straightforward calculate using
- Numbers.average , or
- Numbers.averageWeighted : for example, allowing more weight to be given to values toward end of array
ixfx’s Numbers.average returns the numerical average of an array of numbers. It silently ignores non-numbers (undefined, null, NaN etc), which can be useful.
import { average } from 'https://unpkg.com/ixfx/dist/numbers.js';
average([ 5, 7, 1 ]); // 4.33
Weighted averaging
Rather than give all recorded values equal prominence in the average calculation, it’s possible to weight them. For example, giving higher priority to more recent values.
ixfx’s Numbers.averageWeighted can help with this.
A simple approach is to use a function which calculates the weighting of a given element. Here we can use one of the easing functions.
import { averageWeighted } from 'https://unpkg.com/ixfx/dist/numbers.js';import { gaussian, Easings } from 'https://unpkg.com/ixfx/dist/modulation.js';
const data = [ 1, 10, 100 ];
// 'Gaussian' will weigh middle elements most heavily// Yields: 25averageWeighted(data, gaussian());
// quadIn will weigh most recent (end-of-array) elements most heavily// Yields: 97averageWeighted(data, Easings.get(`quadIn`));
Averaging streams
When averaging a stream, we don’t have the ‘full picture’ of all the data to average perfectly. This is because it’s infeasible to keep a store of all data and it’s not certain what data will arrive next. It’s similar issue when normalising streams.
Ixfx has several ‘trackers’, intended for monitoring the range of data in a stream. By default they don’t record each data point, but rather keep a running total and average.
Here’s Trackers.number illustrated:
import { Trackers } from 'https://unpkg.com/ixfx/dist/bundle.js';
// Initialiseconst t = Trackers.number();
// Add some random valuesfor (let i=0;i<10;i++) t.seen(Math.floor(Math.random()*100)));
// Get averaget.avg // eg ~50
These trackers are not great at adapting to temporal changes because by default they track the global average of stream (or at least, the data seen thus far). Typically we’d want to only consider the average of recent data, which is where moving averages are better.
It is, however, possible to set some options on the tracker to automatically reset itself after n samples, or to reset it yourself.
Moving average
The moving averaging technique (AKA moving or sliding window) keeps track of the last n values for the purposes of averaging. This way we only record a small chunk of recent data rather than attempt to store everything.
When using moving averaging, a key tuning parameter is the size of the ‘window’: how many items to keep track of. A larger window size will smooth noise at the expense of being less responsive to change. A smaller window size will more noisy but more accurately track the current data.
This tuning also needs to be done with respect to speed at which data is added. There’s a big difference to a window size of 5 items if you’re adding 100 items per millisecond versus one item per minute.
Numbers.movingAverage takes a parameter for how many items to track. movingAverage
returns an object to add or clear the moving average.
import {movingAverage} from 'https://unpkg.com/ixfx/dist/numbers.js';
// Keep track of the last 10 itemsconst ma = movingAverage(10);
ma(10); // 10ma(5); // 7.5
Exponential weighted
An alternative approach is an exponential weighted moving average, which can calculate an average without storing data samples. This is a common technique on microcontrollers.
It’s implemented as Numbers.movingAverageLight . Instead of passing the number of samples to record, a scale parameter is used. 1 means the latest value is used - that is, no averaging. Higher numbers blend in the latest value with increasingly lower priority. 3 is the default scaling if the parameter is not provided.
import { movingAverageLight } from 'https://unpkg.com/ixfx/dist/numbers.js';
// Init with a scaling of 3const ma = movingAverageLight(3);ma(10); // 10ma(5); // 7.5
Moving average timed
Consider calculating the average speed of the pointer. Pointer events are tracked, with the distance travelled and elapsed time used to calculate the speed at that instant. The speed is then averaged via movingAverageLight()
. This is fine while the pointer is moving, but if the pointer stops, there won’t be any events. Consequentially, the average won’t drop down to zero speed over time because the events are no longer flowing.
One solution to this is using Numbers.movingAverageTimed . This takes in an update rate (milliseconds) and a default value that gets added to the averager. It’s based on movingAverageLight
, so the same scale parameter is there too.
If the interval has elapsed since the last value is added to the averager, it will automatically add the default value. In the case of calculating speed, we might want to automatically add 0
, since the speed must be zero if there are no events.
import { movingAverageTimed } from 'https://unpkg.com/ixfx/dist/data.js';
// Init averager// movingAverageTimed(updateRateMs, value, scaling): MovingAverageconst avgSpeed = movingAverageTimed(500, 0);
// Based on pointermove, calculate a speed and add to averagerdocument.addEventListener(`pointermove`, evt => { const speed = calcSpeed(evt); avgSpeed(speed);});
Case: Averaging complex data
Let us say you want to average more complex data over time, say a rectangle from a machine learning library. The rectangle has x, y, width and height properties, and each of these we want to average separately.
To do so, we initialise a moving average for each property, and when new data comes in, update the appropriate averager. A cumulative average rectangle is kept track of as well, so elsewhere in the code we can always read the current average.
ixfx’s Data.mapObjectShallow is used to map each property of an empty rectangle (x, y, width & height) to a new moving averager. In this way, movingAverageRect
becomes a set of automatically-generated moving averagers.
import { movingAverage } from 'https://unpkg.com/ixfx/dist/numbers.js';import { Rects } from 'https://unpkg.com/ixfx/dist/geometry.js';import { mapObjectShallow } from 'https://unpkg.com/ixfx/dist/data.js';
// How many samples to average over for each propertyconst samples = 10;
// Create an average for each of the rect's properties (x, y, width, height)const movingAverageRect = mapObjectShallow(Rects.emptyPositioned, v => movingAverage(samples));// This will yield an object with same properties of a rectangle, but with// an averager function at each value.
// Add a new rectangle to be averagedconst add = (r) => { const { x, y, width, height } = movingAverageRect;
// Add each of the properties of the input rectangle 'r' // to separate averagers, returning the overall average return { x: x(r.x), y: y(r.y), width: width(r.width), height: height(r.height)};}
// Add 20 random rectangleslet averageRect = Rects.emptyPositioned;for (let i=0;i<20;i++) { averageRect = add(Rects.random());}// This is the average after 20 random rects...averageRect;